According to the Aztecs, Quetzalcóatl, God of vegetation and its renewal taught men how to cultivate the cocoa tree.
Native to the Amazon, Criollo cocoa, an ecotype recognized for its taste, aromatic and nutritional qualities, today represents around 1% of world production. This scarcity is due to the fact that this original cocoa is less profitable than those obtained by hybridization to supply the chocolate industry.
Our fava beans come from these original varieties. Our partner has developed a transformation process inspired by ancestral artisanal techniques that does not exceed 45°C, thus preserving the famous nutrients of cocoa.
100 g of fava beans contain approximately 19,000 mg of polyphenols.
Our fava beans are a source of Copper which contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems and to the protection of cells against oxidative stress.
Copper contributes to the normal pigmentation of hair and skin.
Sol Semilla sourced these high quality Criollo cocoa fava beans from a partner closely linked to a village community in the Satipo region of Peru. This impoverished and isolated community lives mainly from the cultivation of cocoa.
Thanks to your purchase, this community sees its living conditions improve: construction of a nursery, a school, drinking water and electricity system,… and its income increase thanks to fixed prices higher than the fluctuating market price. In addition, our partner provides technical support to producers.
Fava beans can be enjoyed as you wish, as a snack, on their own or with dried fruits, oleaginous...
6 fava beans per day (approx. 8 g), preferably in the morning.